The part where we tell you a little bit about us.

A Brief History of SINE
SINE Digital was originally formed out of LGM Records, which focused on digital first music campaigns for new artists. LGM Records’ radical approach to music marketing soon attracted interest in their services and SINE Digital was formed to provide campaigns and strategies for music artists beyond LGM records and eventually the wider entertainment industry.
By March 2020, SINE Digital had expanded to run campaigns across live music, theatre, immersive experiences and lifestyle brands. Heavily affected by the outbreak of COVID-19, SINE Digital invested resources in retaining all staff and building on their expertise across all digital advertising platforms.
As the UK came out of the pandemic, SINE Digital was able to hit the ground running picking up clients across some of the world’s biggest brands and expanding into a group with the formation of SINE Group, Farlo and The 5th Wall.
The Original Wavemakers
SINE Digital has made waves from its inception in every industry that it has worked in, owing to an instance that performance, data and technology should always be at the heart of every decision and that the status quo should always be questioned.

A Data-Native Organisation
As a company founded during the cloud data revolution, SINE Group’s services, operational systems and decisions are data-native.
We ingest and process millions of rows of data from myriad sources every day, delivering meaningful insight to all areas of the business in real-time.
Our large data warehouse will provide the foundation for SINE’s machine learning capabilities in the coming months and years, beginning with MMM (marketing mix modelling) in early 2023.
Get in touch
Drop us a line and let’s talk.